ADHD, autism, and emotional self-regulation
The biggest challenge in starting to work with emotions as a neurodivergent person with ADHD and/or autism is that they often feel like a tangled, undefined mess. Through practice and safely being with and staying present with our emotions, we allow ourselves to...
High sensitivity, ADHD and/or autism: differences, similarities, and the power of acceptance
The world is rich with different ways in which people experience reality. Sometimes, it can be difficult to understand where you fit in when you feel that "you are not like the majority." Maybe you recognized yourself in the description of highly sensitive people,...
A(u)DHD and people pleasing: How to set boundaries and say “No” (without feeling guilty)
If you have A(u)DHD, you might often find yourself in situations where you say "yes" when you actually mean "no." You might not even notice how often this happens until you catch yourself working overtime, volunteering for your third project in a row, or agreeing...
Autism and complex trauma (C-PTSD): an unbreakable connection
When we talk about autism and complex trauma (C-PTSD), we open the door to an exceptionally complex and sensitive topic. Both of these dimensions can significantly shape a person's experiences and daily life, and their overlap often brings profound challenges, as...
Depression or autistic burnout?
Autistic burnout and depression are often associated due to overlapping symptoms, but they are two separate conditions with different causes and consequences. "Autistic burnout is a syndrome that occurs as a result of chronic life stress and a mismatch between...
Autism and a sense of humor
Humor helps build interpersonal connections, increases the sense of belonging, and helps relieve tension, stress, and anger. People with an optimistic approach to life who bring joy and playfulness are often well-liked in social settings. We often choose partners...
Autism and empathy
One of the biggest misconceptions about autism and autistic individuals is that they lack empathy. The truth is that they often have an even stronger sense of empathy than the rest of the population. A common stereotype is that autistic individuals are in their...
ADHD and menstrual cycle
Menstruation and the menstrual cycle can be associated with numerous challenges that women face under the influence of hormones. Some of them include variable energy levels, mood changes, pain, increased need for rest and withdrawal, changes in the skin, bloating,...
Why is Inside Out 2 a perfect depiction of anxiety and psychotherapy?
A cartoon hasn't blown me away like this in a long time that I was taking notes the entire time and my fingers were itching to type this text. This text is full of spoilers, so if you want to watch this beautiful cartoon, you have three options: read this text and...
ADHD and sex: 5 ADHD symptoms that affect sexuality
In adults with ADHD, problems with sexuality are often present. Some studies show that 40% of people with ADHD experience sexual dysfunction. This is because ADHD symptoms affect sex. Aside from issues stemming from RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria, which I...
How to support your inner child?
Many make the mistake of working on the inner child without addressing one key aspect, which is working on the inner parents. Simply put, it's the psychological moment when a child takes on the role of a parent to their own parents. Sensitive, empathetic, and...
ADHD and sleep
25 to 50% of people with ADHD have sleep problems that intensify with age. Looking back at childhood, adults with ADHD can often recognize that they had challenges with falling asleep, waking up, daytime sleepiness, and frequent nightmares that seemingly had no...
ADHD in adults: signs and steps to diagnosis
Signs and symptoms of ADHD in adults are often overlooked by professionals and are only recognized after many years of confusion and incorrect diagnoses. In recent years, there has been increasing discussion about ADHD, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized...
ADHD and overthinking
In addition to being a result of internal hyperactivity and prolonged time for verbal processing and processing information from the environment, overthinking is also a common occurrence in the ADHD population — cognitive distortions, i.e., errors in thinking. ...
ADHD and oversharing: Are you “jumping in headfirst”?
What is the connection between entering the sea and entering a conversation? Imagine a situation where you’re at the beach on a hot summer day, heading to cool off in the sea. What you’ll notice is that there are two types of people: those who dive in quickly,...
10 tricks for better planning and productivity with ADHD
Adults with ADHD often appear lost, slower, and make mistakes when completing tasks. They miss deadlines, forget names and terms, have difficulty focusing, and get easily distracted while completing tasks. They may seem indecisive and as if they give up quickly at...
ADHD and procrastination
People with ADHD are often so closely associated with procrastination that they seem like synonyms, and there are plenty of humorous memes related to delaying and giving up. hile we all tend to procrastinate, people with ADHD do so to a much greater extent for...
“That’s not me, that’s my ADHD!”: 6 Lies You Tell Yourself About Your ADHD
In therapy, it often happens that clients with late-diagnosed ADHD come with an extremely negative self-talk. Even after receiving an ADHD diagnosis, which largely explains their behavior, they still habitually blame certain aspects of their behavior on themselves....
ADHD and Perfectionism: When Perfectionism “Suffocates” You
Perfectionism (lat. perficere = to complete) is described as "the tyranny of having to " i.e. a person's effort to fit into an idealized image of himself. The advantages include high standards, a desire to achieve one’s potential, conscientiousness, productivity,...
ADHD and overeating: when you’re hungry, you’re not yourself
Do you find yourself forgetting to eat all day, and then emptying the fridge at 1 AM? Whenever you're bored, you open the fridge door and snack?You can't stick to any diet or eating regimen for more than a week? One of the common characteristics of people...
Steps to ADHD diagnosis in adulthood:
ADHD is a neurodivergence that is difficult to recognize in adulthood, and professionals are less likely to assume it as a diagnosis for several reasons. First, there is the phenomenon of "thinking filter." For example, a psychologist who specializes in anxiety...
ADHD and toxic relationships
If you're asking yourself, "Why do I keep getting into toxic relationships?" and you suspect or know that you have ADHD, keep reading. In working with clients, I've noticed a "secret connection" between toxic partners, particularly narcissistic personality...
ADHD and trauma – similarities and differences
Social media and the trend of allowing everyone the freedom to "be who they are" have given people with ADHD the space to stop masking (hiding) their ADHD symptoms to such a great extent. However, because they have not learned how to cope with who they are and the...
How to recognize ADHD – my experience and how it can help you
"How can I tell if I have ADHD?" is a question I frequently receive from my clients. Many people associate ADHD with a very restless, scattered person who never stops talking and "flies everywhere" without a plan, goal, or focus. Like some hyperactive squirrel. For...
Me as a psychotherapist in 5 words
If someone were to ask me to describe myself in five words, they would be: empathetic, professional, creative, supportive, and focused. These 5 traits have been my main resource on the path of personal growth and development, which have pulled me out of the darkest...
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