Support to recognize, embrace and use the strengths of your neurodiversity.

Heal the traumas from emotionally immature relationships and breathe playfulness, humor, and creativity into your life!

ADHD in your thirties

It's time to build your new life story and get out of the vicious circle of people pleasing.

Do you recognize yourself?

Do you feel like no one understands you and that you have no one to share what you are going through or have gone through before?

Do you have a hard time silencing your inner critic?

Struggling to stop procrastinating and avoid burnout?

Did you grow up with emotionally immature parents?

Are you struggling with symptoms of ADHD, autism, and high sensitivity?

Are you often overwhelmed by your emotions and you tend to react impulsively?

Have you been working on yourself for a long time, but you still feel like you’re standing still?

Do you call yourself a chronic people pleaser?

How to recognize ADHD – my experience and how it can help you

I understand your challengesbecause I've been through them myself.

ADHD or trauma

Hey, it's me, Lea

I am Lea Ivančić Žic, a psychotherapist who will help you heal trauma from emotionally immature relationships, overcome challenges, and create a life full of creativity, joy, and authenticity.

If someone asked me to describe myself in 5 words, they would be:
empathetic, professional, creative, supportive and focused.

These 5 traits have been my main resource on the path of personal growth and development, which have pulled me out of the darkest phases and situations in life, and they are traits that I encourage in my clients.

I’m excited to support you on the journey of discovering and creating a version of yourself who will thrive in life, rather than just get by!

How can I help you??

Psychotherapy & coaching 1:1

  • Individual psychotherapy & coaching
  • EMDR treatment

Encouraging language and speaking skills

It includes assessment and therapy of speech-language difficulties with an individual approach that supports the development of communication, socialization, and independence.

Workshops and programmes

Online programs and announcements of current workshops that will help you overcome the most common challenges of neurodivergence in adults and heal trauma from emotional relationships.

You are in the right place if you want to work on the following topics:

ADHD, autism and high sensitivity
Emotionally immature and toxic relationships
Childhood trauma (cPTSD)
Divorce, breakup
Grief and loss of a family member or pet
Parent of a child with developmental disabilities
Trauma of peer violence

“Mobbing” at work
Transition from permanent employment to entrepreneurship
Eating disorder

Do you suspect ADHD, but don’t have a diagnosis yet?
Download the free ADHD self-assessment test.

Participant impressions of the webinar and workshops:

Current blogs

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ADHD and overeating