Workshops and programmes
Welcome to a space of growth and support, where we together discover the power of diversity and the beauty of life!
My online webinars and programmes are designed to provide you with tools, insights, and inspiration to live in alignment with your own values and needs.
Whether you’re here because you desire change, a deeper understanding of yourself, or simply seek support on your journey, you’re in the right place.
This is an invitation to connect with yourself and with a community that understands, with expert guidance and gentle, yet clear structure. Let’s create lasting change together.
Explore the available programmes and webinars below.

ADHD friendly planning
Tools that will help you overcome procrastination

Are the following things familiar to you?
- you just can’t seem to get a handle on procrastination
- you give up if it doesn’t work on the first try
- you think that “that one perfect planner” will save you
- you have so much to do and don’t know where to start
- consistency is not your strong suit
However, you are fighting surface-level symptoms while neglecting the real causes of these challenges. You think it’s due to poor technique, a bad planner, or a lack of organizational skills. The issue lies in the foundation of your ADHD.
In the webinar, you will learn:
- reasons for procrastination in ADHD
- beliefs that make you plan but not follow through with plans
- why and now method in prioritizing according to values
- the most common blocks in planning and executing plans
- 10 tips & tricks you can apply right away
Price – 22 €
STOP overthinking
Break free from the vicious circle of overthinking

Are the following things familiar to you?
- You imagine the worst-case scenarios, even though in reality, most things are fine
- you think about your friends lives long after having coffee with them?
- your most common catchphrase is “what if”?
- as a child, you often heard the phrase “what will others say”?
- do you have the urge to help others even when you’re exhausted?
- you worry that you’re not worryin enough?
This excessive worry and concern is a matter of HABIT, subconscious beliefs, trapped emotions, and thinking errors, which I will explain in more detail during the webinar. Along with the webinar, you will receive a PDF book that will support you in deeper work.
In the webinar, you will learn:
- reasons for procrastination in ADHD
- beliefs that make you plan but not follow through with plans
- why and now method in prioritizing according to values
- the most common blocks in planning and executing plans
- 10 tips & tricks you can apply right away
Price – 22 €
Build your inner parent
How to support your inner child

The trend in recent years in the field of personal development has been oriented towards “listening,” “discovering,” “embracing” one’s inner child, and similar terms, however, an important aspect has been overlooked.
I came to this realization myself through therapeutic work with children.
Namely, when a child first enters a new environment, no matter how much the parent may not be objectively sure about what’s best for the child, at that moment, the child feels safest because — it’s what is already familiar to them.
It’s the same in our lives.
A super fun and dear “aunt” or “uncle” might come into our lives, but until we really get to know them, we stick to old patterns, even if they are harmful.
Therefore, before the child within us can show its most creative, relaxed, and authentic face, it first needs to feel SAFE to appear and—play.
A child cannot play if the parent is in a survival mode; instead, the child slips into a pattern of fulfilling the parent’s emotional needs.
A child can overdo play if the parent is disinterested and absent, and start doing various silly things – in order to get noticed.
Are you working on yourself and your inner child without long-term results?
- Are you loosing focus?
- Do you struggle to manage your time and responsibilities?
- Are you overwhelmed by your emotions?
- You aren’t able to set boundries for yourself and others?
- Are you constantly falling into people-pleasing?
In the webinar, you will learn:
- Who are the culprits behind the loss of focus, poor emotional self-regulation, and difficulty saying “no”
- What is the difference between the Inner Parent, Inner Child, and Inner Teenager?
- How to recognize and stop unhealthy patterns when they appear?
- Techniques and tools for building a supportive and stable relationship with yourself
- Techniques and tools for more play, relaxation, and fun in your daily life
After the webinar you will:
- know how to recognize which part of you is holding you back and sabotaging you
- get tools that will help you manage your thoughts, emotions, and boundaries
Price – 22 €
Embrace yourself
A challenge for building the habit of daily self-relationship. 25 lessons to build your inner cheerleader through 12 weeks of support!

Are you persistently unable to find time to nurture a supportive and caring relationship with yourself?
You can’t seem to stick to your morning routines, even though you know they energize you?
You always have time for others, but you consistently skip taking care of yourself?
Here’s a challenge for you!
From the day you sign up for the challenge, you will receive a task every day for 25 consecutive days via email, inspired by a winter metaphor for developing self-love.
For each task, you will need an average of up to 45 minutes per day, and the emails will arrive early in the morning.
Sometimes the challenges will also apply to the following day.
The emails will remain with you PERMANENTLY.
Topics we will cover:
- quieting the inner critic
- calming unpleasant emotions
- techniques for consistent boundaries
- bring in more joy and relaxation!
Price – 111 €
Chill yourself out
Tools that will help you calm your unpleasant emotions, meltdown, burnout

- Are you scared of your intense emotional reactions?
- Do you find it difficult to understand your emotions and needs?
- Do you often feel exhausted and overwhelmed?
- Do you suppress your emotions because you’re afraid you won’t be able to control them otherwise?
On the webinar, you will cover the following topics:
- Stress vs. trauma
- What does high sensitivity have to do with it?
- Types of stress responses
- Circle of emotions
- 10 needs and the ND pyramid
- How many spoons do you have?
- Surfing with emotions
- You can’t do everything at once – values and priorities
- Small steps count
After the webinar you will know how to:
- recognize your stress response style and how to calm it
- understand your needs and how to meet them
- recognize your emotions, their message, and how to regulate them
- recognize your energy levels without overwhelming yourself with tasks
- tools for everyday self-regulation
Enough of emotions and energy levels controlling you and your choices—it’s time to learn how to manage them to your advantage!
Price – 22 €
Other webinars
- Webinar “When letters get stuck” – encouraging reading and writing skills in specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgraphia) – intended for parents and experts – 10 EUR
- E-book “10 reasons why you are attracted to toxic guys” – FREE DOWNLOAD
- E-book „List of 69 Activities You Can Do Instead of Scrolling“ – FREE DOWNLOAD
- Webinar “Outgrow a narcissist” – 25 EUR

Fill out the form, choose the webinar you want, and you will receive payment details by email.
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